Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Impact Wrestling Notes.

Former WWE, Ring of Honor and Lucha Underground star Paul London worked as a Producer at the Impact Wrestling tapings over the weekend.  We are told London did a great job in the role and the company hopes to use him again when possible.

Kevin Sullivan was at the Vegas tapings and did film material for the company, so he'll be popping up in some fashion on upcoming episodes. (Wonder how they'll use Sullivan and if it'll be more of the 'silliness' that Callis swore he was gonna get rid of, but has yet to do).

Former WWE NXT star Sawyer Fulton debuted on last night's Impact Wrestling taping in Las Vegas as well.  He will be working as a heel for the company.

And oh yeah, former Impact star Abyss started as a producer for WWE last night. 

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