Thursday, February 14, 2019


The Houston Chronicle is reporting that a civil trial is currently underway as former WWE star and Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion Brooke Adams and her fiancee Weston Wayne Piper are suing their former landlord, Fan Chen for wrongful eviction after they received several eviction notices over the emotional support dog they had brought into their home.

Adams testified that she brought the dog into their home to help her fight depression.  The couple had already paid a pet deposit for one pet dog, Noodles, but when Chen discovered an Instagram post from Adams holding the emotional support dog, Waffles, and realized it was not the first pet, issued the eviction notice.  Adams and Piper offered to pay an additional pet deposit fee but were rebuffed and after a second eviction notice, moved out during the New Year's holiday.

After they moved out, Adams and Piper received an invoice for $14,000 in lost rent, damages and attorney's fees, leading to them filing a lawsuit in State Court.  It was later bumped up to federal Court.

Adams testified in court yesterday that having the emotional support dog was her right and she was not aware she needed to inform Chen.

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