Saturday, February 23, 2019

Alpha-1 Wrestling Replaces Davey Richards With... THIS? (rolls eyes)

If you don't know the story, Alpha-1 Wrestling (based in Canada) had Davey Richards on an upcoming show. But Davey's no longer on it (and seeing that Richards no showed them in the past? That is probably a good thing). My quick sory on that is right here.

So now... They've replaced Richards with?.. This crap.

AAHHH yep, THIS.. Is the best they could come up with, a fucking comedy act. 

I'm glad I've never had a ticket to a show where they did this kind of stuff because the last thing i'd want to see is a comedy act that doesn't do a fucking thing for me. If I had a ticket to this show and saw that THIS, was the ebst they could do? I'd be wanting a refund, real fast. 

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