Monday, January 7, 2019

So I Went And Watched Impact Wrestling's Homecoming PPV.. And.. WELL? Here's A Review Of It.

Glad I didn't pay to see this because if I spent a dime on it, I would've felt ripped off.

Impact Homecoming PPV.

X-Division (Ultimate X) match- Fast forwarded thru it, no real storyline build up as usual, just throw them in ring the bell and say good luck. Ultimate X to me was becoming an ultimate bore.

Grace/Hogan vs Yung/Allie- The whole Sue Yung/”Dark Allie” thing is what I've been saying for months, It's PRECISELY the 'Silliness” that Don Callis swore in many interviews that he was going to get rid of. But yet, here it is. And every time I've asked Callis this question “How is it that you're going to as you say 'get rid of the silliness that has plagued Impact Wrestling' if you're the one writing and booking it? Funny how he never seems to have an answer to that. Wrestling was 'aaahh' but then again I'm used to the superior level of womens wrestling that I watch in the UK. So that and the 'silliness' that Callis isn't capable of getting rid of made this almost a cure for insomnia at best. And how did Rosemary end up in the coffin? Didn't the 'brides maids 'notice' that the coffin was 'JJUUSST ALITTLE HEAVIER' than usual? Logic editor is sorely neede din Impact Wrestling because even a blind person could see thru the lack of logic in just this one match. Oh yeah, using the mandible claw? YYAAWWN, so Mick Foley and it didn't go over with me when Foley used it, so how much do you think it got over with Allie doing it here? (rolls eyes).

Another point of no fucking logic in Impact Wrestling. Wasn't Raven in an insane asylum? The same one that Eddie Edwards was in? SSOOO, that being the case, how did Raven suddenly 'get out' of the asylum and join Tommy Dreamer in jumping Eli Drake on this past Thursday's show? Funny how there conveniently, was no explanation for that. Yep The 'silliness that Callis swore he'd get rid of'' is still alive and well under his booking and writing. Imagine that.

Moose vs Eddie Edwards- Tommy Dreamer must've been the producer of this match because it basically was your usual ECW style brawl in many ways. All we need was for Moose or Edwards to take something from a fan and use it on their opponent. OH WAIT! We got that with Edwards using a beer can on moose's face. So perfect, ECW brawl 101 complete.

Sammy Callihan vs Willie Mack- Two guys I can't get into wrestling each other.. That actually put me to sleep, and I had to reboot my computer and come back continue watching this 90 minutes later. That tells you all you need to know on how this show has been going, right there.

Tried to rewatch this and again, same thing. Two guys whose gimmicks I don't like facing each other was giving me a headache. Another thing I noticed this time before I hit fast forward, the 'selling' level, which has been an issue with me not just in Impact but WWE and ROH as well. True 'selling' of moves seems to have been thrown out the window, or the people being trained now don't get a course in knowing how to really sell moves.

Eli Drake defeated Abyss in a Monster's Ball Match-

Ugh.. I know it's a hardcore match but man, Maybe it was because it was Abyss but had this been against Dreamer this to me would've meant more for the storyline of Eli becoming 'what he hates'. Also, going back to what I said earlier about Dreamer and Raven being on the show Thursday, why weren't they part of this show and match NOW? Where Dreamer and Raven (even though no explanation of how he got out of the asylum still hasn't been covered) could've came in after the match and furthered it or enhanced it, BUT.. No logic in Impact's booking and writing is reigning supreme here and this was an obvious hole in their plan.

LAX vs Luchas Bros.- Road Warriors/ Freebirds or RnR Express vs Midnight Express this wasn't. The 'let's get in as many fancy moves in as possible without really telling a story of the match' was in high gear here, which all the moves in the world without psychology doesn't mean shit. But this is how wrestling has evolved now. Why bother telling as story when you can over shadow the fact you're incapable of that by just throwing a whole bunch of useless moves that nobody's gonna remember ten minutes from now in, instead. Konnan came out after the match BUT, wasn't he stabbed by Low Ki in MLW? Shouldn't he be 'selling' THAT? HHMM funny how that got skipped over as well.

Taya Valkyrie defeated Tessa Blanchard to become the NEW Impact Knockout's Champion. Special Guest Referee: Gail Kim.

Now this was the only match that kept my attention all the way thru. I'm a big fan of Tessa Blanchard and having Gail Kim in there was an added plus. The only fault and this just isn't this match on this show but a lot of matches on a lot of shows. WWAAYY too many kick outs at the count of two. I can name many companies, big and indy that have this problem and when you do this over and over, and.... over again. The importance of it lessens. But of course nobody wants to see that fact.

The only other fault was Kim aiding to Blanchard's loss but.. Somewhere in their lock of logic on most things there was a reason for it. But if they don't follow up on that on this week's show then that whole spot would've been like alot of things that Callis and D'Amore do that don't get over.... Pointless.

Johnny Impact defeated "The Machine" Brian Cage to retain the Impact World Championship

MMAANN has this company gone downhill. When you had guys with some real name value like Sting, Samoa Joe, Christian, Kurt Angle, Drew Galloway, Bobby Lashley, etc holding the top title and you've been reduced to, well... THIS. The constant question that arises is, how the fuck did they to be this bad?

Lashley had all the tools and had a 'presence' to him to where you knew, he was the top guy and why. Just replacing him with another muscle bound guy doesn't quite fill the hole. Coming out looking like a cyborg of sorts was like HHH coming for his match against sting in that wannabe Terminator outfit. Stupid looking and pretty pointless. This to me didn't have the 'feel' of a world title match. I kept thinking there's something 'missing' here and I realized it, it's not just the guys in this position it's a lot of the gimmicks/characters on the roster. If you have as promotion where alot of the gimmicks or characters don't resonate with me, then it just becomes hard to watch and I start asking myself, why the fuck... Am I EVEN WATCHING this shit for?

I know for a fact, I can go to YouTube and find say, the Defiant Wrestling's LOADED show to be way more entertaining than just about everything this pay per view had to offer. I can find stuff by the many indy groups I follow that would have my attention more than this show did. If I never had seen Impact Wrestling before? And someone wanted to turn me on to them? THIS wouldn't have been the show to try to do that with.

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