Thursday, January 24, 2019

Since PWInsider Doesn't Want To Tell The Truth On WWE's "Hidden Gems"? I'll Do It For Them

It's that time again I guess, to where PWInsider has to be fact checked and shown they're buffoons thanks to me. They make it so easy and actually, if Mike Jonson actually told the truth on this, I wouldn't be making him and PWInsider look so foolish with ease, again.

Here's a letter asking about how 'hidden' WWE'Ss Hidden Gems are? Someone who sees this site had asked me about this and why the other well known news sites are scared to expose this like I have, so I said “Why don't you ask them, write PWInsider, Meltzer, etc and see what they have to say about it”. So hence Johnson posting the following you'll see rriigghht, here.

As you see by Mike's answer, he sidesteps the fact that a lot of those, ahem 'hidden gems' are and have been on YouTube for years (in some cases). But here's what you can do, contact Mike Johnson at PWInsider and steer him to this link right here. and he, like you, can see story after story after story on how a lot of those gems are indeed, on YouTube.

The least I can do if Johnson doesn't want to tell you all the truth, is tell it for him. So by all means go ahead and tell him, I indeed did that for him. At least with me you'll get the truth out of me and for that? You're welcome.

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