Thursday, January 10, 2019

PWInsider Looks Stupid (For The Second Day In A Row, Thanks To Me)

They bring this on themselves with their own stupidity. And they make it so easy for me to make them look fucking stupid, you'd think they'd learn by now but... Since I'm making this post, it's obvious they must enjoy looking like dumb asses.

Here's Their post 'claiming' that the WPW Women Of Wrestling media Call is 'exclusive content" to their VIP (Have to pay to hear it) membership.

And NNOOWWW.. HERE, is how it's not.

Click this link right here.. And what do you get? OOOHHH MMYYY, you get, THIS!

See how easy it is to make Dave Scherer, Mike Johnson and everyone at PWInsider look like fucking dumb asses? pretty fucking easy. Go ahead and show them this so that way they can see again how, thanks to me. I made them look like fucking idiots, again. You can thank me now. :)

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