Wednesday, January 2, 2019

PWInsider Is Making THIS.. Available Only To "Paid Members" Though It's On YouTube For Free (LMAO!)

Yep..As Kurt Angle ised to say, "It's true... it's DDAAMMNNN True". The only way you can listen to a very recent Tessa Blanchard Media call on PWInsider's web page is if you're a member of PWInsider's "VIP membership". Here, see for yourself.

There it is, from their own web page. But YYEETTT. you go to this link, rrriiggghhhtt here...  And what do you get? OOHH let me go ahead and show you. (smiles).

Yep, there it is, the very SAME thing that PWInsider has for 'paid members' only, ROFLMAO!

How stupid is that? You know the answer as well as I do. VVVEERRYYY stupid, on their part. 

1 comment:

Jack Reynolds said...

Five years after this you're still publicly busting PWInsider on this. You'd think they'd learned by now, sheesh.