Saturday, January 19, 2019

PWInsider Gets Fact Checked Again (They Obviously Don't Remember What They Report)

Two people, one on Twitter and another on FB sent me info on this, and remembered that I covered it right here on this site. Mike Johnson at PWInsider claims in his "MLW News" post that Shane Strickland may be WWE bound. BUT.. As I and others, INCLUDING PWInsider (I believe) reported before, Strickland said himself that he's a free agent again.

Since proof is always, a mother fucker, and I'm a mother fucker who always seems to have proof. Let's go ahead and show that proof, shall we?

Here's a pic of the post from PWInsider.

And HERE.. is the link I did that definitely shows Strickland saying he's a free agent again.

Here, I'll even show you the pic FROM, that story that says it.


As I keep saying, research would be a good friend for them if they actually weren't so lazy or forgetful of things. You can of course thank me again for showing this because as usual... Other news sites won't have the balls to cover this, so it'll always, be left up to me to do. :) 

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