Friday, January 4, 2019

Onnit Stories Presents: True Wrestling (About Indy Wrestling, this is worth watching)

Undertaker makes an appearance in this, just so you know.

True Wrestling kicks off Onnit Stories, our new documentary series showing how different people around the world are doing outstanding things—from achieving fitness, career, and other personal goals to saving lives and the planet at large. What unites them all is the idea that there’s joy in the journey, no matter what level you’re at. The real people and subcultures featured in Onnit stories aren’t in it for the money - they’re in it for the love of the craft. Each story is a celebration of a person or movement that is decidedly unconventional, anti-mainstream. We hope you’ll connect with these stories and be moved… to tears, to laughter, anger, empathy, and, ultimately, to action. An action that helps you get closer to optimizing your own potential.

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