Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Indy Company Not Happy With What I posted (shrugs)--- (Updated With New Reply)

Revolution Pro Wrestling decided they were gonna express their dissatisfaction of the fact I posted these two stories about their recent shows. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/01/want-to-watch-revpro-new-years.html and https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/01/want-to-watch-revpro-live-at-copckpit.html … And someone representing them using their twitter accused me of 'stealing' their shows when all I did was post a link from a site that has their shows and other companies shows posted there.

If the show is posted on one of three (?) maybe more sites which is this one right here. http://watchwrestling.in/sports/wwe-22/ I'm not stealing a thing. Hell here's a pic of the listing of shows from that site, I just took the pic 90 seconds ago..

And OOHH LLOOKK! There's RevPro's shows listed there among others. HHMMM. How does that constitute ME, stealing anything? It doesn't so RevPro fucked up with their lame accusation of me stealing their shows when links to them are right there as I've shown.

As I always say, proof is, a mother fucker and I'm always a mother fucker who always has proof. :)

Here's shots of how the convo between me and RevPro (and others who wanted to jump in) played out.

Maybe instead of whining and crying at me, they should go to sites like I posted and crack down on THEIR shows being posted there, HHMMM. Guess that would make more sense but you know, some people obviously don't or can't think that far out of the box. 

If I didn't post those links someone else would have as I've seen it happen dozens of times on FB. So trying to dictate to me ended in a failure, for them. :)

UPDATE!!! 12:20 PM.

Obviously RevPro saw this story AND, didn't like my last replies shown above to them, SO instead of apologizing for making a false accusation against me? THIS is how they back step after i pretty much, put them in their place. 

Yep, they didn't like the fact they got checked on making a false accusation against me and had no balls to apologize for it, so they just did the obvious, block so that way they (or whomever is operating their twitter account) wouldn't have to grow a set and apologize for the fact they were wrong.

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