Monday, January 7, 2019

Ed Nordholm Talks If Impact Wrestling Would Work With All Elite Wrestling

At the Impact Homecoming VIP event where Impact WrestlingPresident Ed Nordholm did a Q&A with those in attendance. He was asked about the likelihood of Impact Wrestling working with other promotions, such as ROH, NWA, New Japan, and the newly announced All Elite Wrestling.
Nordholm responded he would very much like to work with other companies as it would help each other get stronger, rather than just fighting against each other.
"Everything is possible," Nordholm responded. "I think we'd be in the forefront of encouraging collaborations among the bigger and the smaller wrestling promotions. As an organization we're sure that we would all be stronger if we were collaborating, rather than fighting each other. ... It's a world in which we would welcome an opportunity to work with Ring of Honor. It's a world in which we would welcome an opportunity working with New Japan. It's a world in which we welcome working with AEW, if they actually get up and running. We have interest in them, I don't think we have any bias against any of that happening."
The trick is to figure out what will be helpful towards both companies though, Nordholm pointed to their relationship with AAA and how that's worked out well for both promotions. He also noted doing these collaborations only gets the fans more interested, since they will get to see fresh match-ups.
"The challenge always is what is the mutual benefit of doing it," Nordholm continued. "We've established we have a proven, very strong tradition with AAA, doing what's mutually beneficial for both of us, and we're both stronger because of it. It allows us to populate our rosters and be sure they have work. Showing very interesting things that fans haven't seen until we started doing it. So, with those types of models—I'd be thrilled to work with Ring of Honor, New Japan, and AEW, if they actually get going. We might see other guys who are running major shows who want to work with us in the same way in the future." 

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