Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Another Idiot On Twitter Gets Put In Check By Me, Then He Goes And Snitches, LMAO!

I always seem to find them (LOL). This world class idiot decides to reply to MY post plugging this story I did showing how stupid PWInsider is. So seeing that this dumb ass took it upon himserlf to ask for wehat he got by replying in a stupid way? Well.. he got corrected and then tried to spin out of it and failed. Which is the usual tactic it seems every time I check someone. They never have the balls to admit it and try their damnest to make themselves look good trying to cover up the fact they got checked and corrected.

The shots here speck for themselves as he tries SSOO HARD to maske himself look good AFTER, I corrected him.

Oh yes here's some more and this guy after getting put in his place by me went and snitched to Twitter as well. The proof is in the pics and here's the proof.

As you can see he really doesn't have a clue about Meltzer's web page as most inside fans and writers like myself do. Anyone with the I.Q. above a rock knows it's Meltzer's and Bryan Alverez's Web page and has been for years. 

And here's proof the guy went and snitched. Right after the reply where I called him a jack ass? THIS is what happened. I got locked and put in Twitter jail. "Coincidence' that I got put in Twitter jail JUST AFTER I called this guy a jack ass? HHMM. We know the answer to that, don't we. No coincidence at all, he ran and snitched because he kept getting his ass handed to him by me and it didn't take any effort at all. Usually doesn't because this is the level of morn that always tries to brace me and ends up losing and looking like a dipshit. I had to have someone send that to me so I could show proof that yes, the moron had to snitch after getting his ass kicked on Twitter by me.

But this is the kind of moron that really shouldn't.. be allowed to have internet access, lol. or at least. make it a challenge if you're gonna brace me on my own posts. Too often it's too easy to make these dumb fucks look stupid, someday one might come along who'll be a challenge. But at this point? I doubt it, LOL!. 


Since this guy snitched to Twitter on me and got me restricted, someone else took up the battle and as you'll see checked his ass fairly quick, so quick mind you that Mr. Snitcher hasn't had anything to say since then. HHHMMM How about that, eh? 

At the end of the day dipshits like this will always be getting checked by guys like me and Gino, because guys like myself and Gino are just that much smarter than dumb fucks like this. 

Here's some more.. This guy's getting smoked then he got called out and now he's back stepping like a bitch, LOL!

This guy keeps burying himself, LOL. Someone should just tell him to quit, he's looking like such a fucking dipshit it's unbelievable that people like this roam the planet.

Lamont because he got chumped on Twitter by others decided to go on a snitching spree, Guess snitching on me after I checked him wasn't enough, two others check his ass and like a typical bitch who can't handle being put in their place? They go a snitching, LOL,. Only little bitches have to snitch when they get punked, remember that.

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