Thursday, January 10, 2019


McKenzie Mitchell, who had been handling backstage interviews for Impact Wrestling when they taped in the United States, is gone from the company.  Mitchell posted the following statement on her social media:

"Grateful. Changed. IMPACTed. Undoubtedly the most exhilarating and exciting experience of my life thus far. Words can’t describe my appreciation for @impactwrestling and company and all that I’ve learned with this experience. To my friends, family, and fans- you guys rock and are the reason why I love doing what I do each and every day. 2019 is a year of change and I can’t wait to see what the future holds."

Impact sources have confirmed tthat Mitchell's last day with the company was Monday's TV taping in Nashville.    One company source said she finished up as she was not scheduled to be used on the next few tapings.  
A broadcast journalism graduate from The University of Mississippi, Mitchell was first brought into the company by then-owner Dixie Carter in May 2016.  She has worked as a backstage interviewer as well as taking part in Knockouts photo shoots.

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