Thursday, December 20, 2018

WWE & PWInsider Are Fucking Idiots - ANOTHER "Hidden Gem" Not... So Hidden (Thank Me Now)

They really make this too fucking easy, because they are, too fucking stupid. They (WWE AND Paul Jordan of PWInsider) really have no fucking grasp on what 'do some research' really means. So since they both are truly clueless, Let me AGAIN (for what, the THIRD DAY IN A ROW?) how these alleged 'hidden gems' are sssooo, fucking easy to find on YouTube. Someone PLEASE inform Paul Jordan or Dave Scherer or Mike Johnson at PWInsider on how stupid they keep looking, thanks to me. I would but both Scherer and Johnson have blocked me because of course, THEY.. Don't like it when a guy like me keeps putting them in check with no effort whatsoever, like this. :)

Here's Paul Jordan's report on this from his post today on PWInsider.

Now look at what happens when one, like me, does a simple search for THAT SAME TV Episode.

UUHH OOHHH. Look at that. There it is and not on the WWE Network. But wait, what's THIS!?

OOOHHH SNAP! ANOTHER listing for the SAME ahem.. (cough cough) 'hidden gem' that the WWE is proudly bragging is going to be added to their network.

As long as WWE and staff at PWInsider want to continue to BE stupid, and not any real research on stuff like this? Then I'll be more than happy to continue showing, how fucking stupid they are. As you can see I have no problem making them look like dumb fucks, they actually... bring it on themselves.

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