Saturday, December 8, 2018

WWE Needs To Stop Putting Videos On Their Network That Are Already On YouTube.

The screen shots say it all. Thanks to Paul Jordan At PWInsider for giving me the inspiration to look this up and, expose WWE (Again) for being the dumb fucks that they are when it comes to this stuff.

As you can see Paul hyped up a "Marquee Match" being added to the WWE Network. BUT... One search on YouTube and uh oh, guess what. Well see for yourself.

Look at that, two places that ALREADY have said match and it's posted there for about a year. Can we say, DDUUUHH! Dipshits. To the people at WWE who thought THIS, was a 'brilliant' idea?

Proof is a mother fucker and I'll always be the mother fucker, who has proof. Also WWE, alittle fucking research goes a long way, so why don't you morons do some fucking research before you do this? That way a guy like me, doesn't have the chance to make idiots out of you with ease. Hell of a concept, eh? 

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