Friday, December 7, 2018

Various Indy Stuff

  • Nick Aldis vs. James Storm was announced for the NWA title on a show on 1/5 in Clarksville, TN in conjunction with NWA PopUp Wrestling. 
  • House of Hardcore runs tomorrow night at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia with Tommy Dreamer vs. PCO, Willie Mack vs. Shane Strickland, Nick Aldis vs. Brian Cage for the NWA title, Britt Baker vs. Angelina Love, David Arquette & RJ City vs. Tyrus & Robbie E plus Bully Ray, Big Cass and Joey Ryan.
  • Inspire Pro Wrestling announced MJF vs. Nick Gage for the 1/6 show. Gage replaces PCO.
  • United Wrestling Network and New Japan on Sunday at the Oceanside, CA Pavilion has a show featuring wrestlers from the New Japan dojo with Clark Connors & Alex Coughlin of New Japan facing Adrian Quest & Ray Rosas, plus New Japan's Karl Fredericks vs. Tyler Bateman. The New Japan dojo coach, Katsuyori Shibata, will be there to watch his students.
  • Jimmy Havoc will replace PCO for Smash Wrestling on its 12/16 show in Toronto at the Franklin Horner Community Center. They also have a show on 1/11 in Kitchener, ONT at the Tannery Event Centre and 1/27 in Toronto at the Phoenix Concert Theatre.

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