Friday, December 28, 2018

Update On My Story About FITE TV Not Paying People Like They Should be.

Two days ago I posted this story about how FITE TV isn't paying creators/Indy promoters money like they should be according to the deals the network made with promoters/owners to have their content on their network. That story is located right here.  ,and take note that NO OTHER wrestling news site has had the balls to tell this story. Meltzer, keller, Scherer, Keller, PWInsider, WrestlingInc, etc have all avoided doing or commenting on this story even though i know for fact they were let known about it thru people sending them links to my story.

So since a few people on Twitter, Facebook, etc have tried to dispute my story because as they 'claimed', one person talking about it doesn't mean much... WWELL.. Guess what, there is more than one person talking about it and I of course, have the proof. As I always say, proof is, a mother fucker, and I'm a mother fucker who always seems to have the proof.

Here's where Hannibal, owner of Great North Wrestling in Canada said something, which warranted me doing this story.

And NOW.. Here's another one person saying the same thing, FITE TV didn't pay this guy either. SSSOO, if more than one person says the same thing, and has the very same issue? You might want to look at just how legitimate their issues are, and how valid my story really is.

The one is by Herb Simmons, long time and well respected promoter of Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling.

My my, what do we have here, TWO promoters, from two different countries having the EXACT SAME ISSUE with FITE TV? I seriously doubt that this, is a coincidence. Too bad the other aforementioned News sites don't have the balls to cover this, but you know what? Thank God they don't have the balls to do it. Because that just emphasizes me, this site and what I do even more if they're too scared to cover the stuff I do.

So there you go, TWO guys having the same issues and maybe FITE YV should start grabbing the check book and writing the checks they owe, because when more people come out and speak out about it, I'll gladly be the one with the balls to cover it. :)

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