Friday, December 14, 2018

This Is Why I Hate talking To Marks- They Say Stupid Shit And I Have To Put Them In Check

As you can see by this ass clown on Twitter, he tried to say something about this blog and me, and facts put his dumb ass in check.

This guy was asking why some Memphis reboot shows were even airing (He was cracking on the content), I gave him a serious yet factual answer based on my knowledge of Memphis Wrestling. But like most marks of this generation he wasn't satisfied with an answer based on facts. And after I explained what was a well known fact about memphis wrestling (that the tv station paid the company to have the shows on there) he has to go and try and insult me.

The shots here show, he really has no clue what he's coming up against if I can put his dumb ass in his place in less than a minute. Some marks are just better off staying silent than trying to tangle with me because in the end, they always get put? In check.

And of course when he gets checked, he keeps trying to defend himself after, he's been put in his place. Marks are so fucking dumb I swear.

Let me add something someone just sent me. Obviously I'm not the only one who sees Adam got put in his place. Adam seems to be the only one who can't see it, which is always the usual yet typical response to try and copout of the fact, he was checked.
Gonna add this little shot here to further rub salt in Adam's wound. This show is the actual number of people who came to this blog up until midnight. Further proving he should've never opened his fat mouth to begin with. Proof will always be a mother fucker and I'll always be a mother fucker who has plenty of proof. :)

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