Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Since, Morons On Twitter Try To "Call Bullshit" On Me Working In Wrestling, Proof Is, A Motherfucker :)

I worked for acouple different indy promotions back in the 90's when I lived in NH. I was also a wrestling columnist back then too but morons who are either too fucking lazy, too freaking stupid, or just too damn ignorant to want to to do the research (cause then they'd see they're wrong and would have to actually, ADMIT IT, which they never have the balls to do), I'll make it easy for the dumb shits, right here.

From an old web page i used to use years ago is an article on my time in Sylvano Sousa's (Who worked in Canada, and in WWF in the 80's) Atlantic Wrestling Federation. He was the one who gave me my first break, and I learned alot from him.


Right from Evan Ginzburg's (who's now an associate producer of movies like The Wrestler and 350 Days) old Wrestling Then And Now newsletter (which I wrote for) web page is the article I wrote on what it was like to go thru the process of locally promoting my first show with WWA New England. Doing so in what was the toughest town in the state of NH to promote in (Cause it's what's known in the business as a 'permit' town')


Article on my time working for WWA New England.


And uh oh, here's another one from when i worked for Eastern Wrestling Alliance (When they were based in Maine, and just got featured on MTV's Tru-Life- I Wanna be a Pro Wrestler show).


Since I'm putting the doubters and dumb asses in check, again. Here's the article on how i became a sheet writer/ Wrestling Columnist.


And if you think people get pissed at some of the stuff i post here (or in certain groups on Facebook), read this. This is how i legit heat, to where certain promoters back then left harassing phone messages on machine because of what I wrote.


So yeah, call bullshit all you want. I alweays say.. Proof is, a mother fucker, and I'll always be the mother fucker who has proof. :)

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