Friday, December 21, 2018

PWInsider & WWE Get Put In Check By Me, AGAIN! "Hidden Gems" My Ass, ROFLMAO!

This never gets old, making Paul Jordan (staff writer at PWInsider), PWInsider and WWE look like total dumb fucks. Every day this week I've been doing it on this subject because these morons are too fucking lazy to do any research to see if any of these so called “Hidden Gems” are really hidden or not. Thanks to me on a regular basis you can see, like right now, that they're not. Whose fault is it that WWE and PWInsider are too fucking lazy to do research? Their fault.

So here's today example of how stupid PWInsider and WWE continue to be. Here's Jordan's postr bragging about what WWE claims is its latest 'hidden gem'.

And lookey lookey, one little search results in THRE MATCHES, right there from that very show, all available right now on YouTube. Two of them have been available on YouTube for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS!.. Yep, PWInsider and WWE are sure know how pick and report on 'hidden gems', LMAO! Fucking idiots.

Damn, look here, ANOTHER ONE! Knobbs vs Ferris

UUHH OOHHH WHAT!? ANOTHER match from this show already on YouTube?

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