Friday, December 21, 2018

Mike Johnson @ PWInsider Responds To Getting Checked (But Doesn't Respond To Me, LMAO!)

You simply can't.... Make this shit up. Mike Johnson and Dave Scherer are simply, THIS STUPID!!

Someone either on Twitter (where I plug this blog) or a reader of this blog emailed both Mike Johnson and Dave Scherer about how both Paul Jordan and Mike Johnson got checked by me today (both stories on that are here... and here.... ). So since proof IS, a mother fucker, and I'm a mother fucker that always has proof.. The screen shots will say it all once again about what dumb shits Johnson and Scherer are.

Here's Johnson's email reply, take note he nor Scherer haven't emailed me at all on this but decided that the guy who showed them my stories WAS me, LMAO! (I'm Bill, and the guy they replied to is named Neal, YYEEPP. Johnson and Scherer are right on the money here, NOT.

You see how he's trying to get out of the fact HE, fucked up? HE, claimed that Rick Rude NEVER defended the "WCW International Title". He said it, since it's obvious he can't remember what he says, here's the screen shot where he DID say it.

There it is, right there in black and white, he indeed said it, and in the story about this I made earlier? Here's the proof again, that Johnson is wrong. HE, said Rude never defended it BUT... Here's two examples where Rude did.

Looks pretty fucking obvious, doesn't it. Even a blind man can see Johnson fucked up and his email reply doesn't add up when the shots here show he fucked up.

But on top of that, he emailed a guy claiming the guy was me.. But LOOKEY LOOKEY, HHHEERREE.. Here's the email address that's associated with this blog, it's the only email addy I have.

HHHMMM. I have a Gmail account, the guy Johnson and Scherer responded to with insults about me, doesn't have one.. You would think if these two dipshits actually wanted to say something to me, they'd email me at my email address instead of taking out their humiliations out of a reader of this blog.

But I guess this shows what kind of balls Johnson and Scherer DON'T HAVE!

But hey, if they ever do grow a set, they can email me personally with any and all attempts at insults to  There it is Johnson and Scherer, instead of emailing someone else, email me personally. Got the balls? We all know what that answer is.. No, they don't. So I doubt i'll be hearing from them directly any time soon.

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