Friday, December 21, 2018

Mike Johnson @ PWInsider... GETS CHECKED!!!!

I swear, they just bring this on themselves, They obviously don't know as much as i know about this business or... OORRR, as I've been saying all week, are too stupid and lazy to do any research to really find out the facts. Here's proof at how dumb Mike Johnson is. The screen shots say it all.

Johnson says Rude "Never defended the title.. HHMMM Is that so Mikey? Then by all means, PLEASE, explain... THIS!!!

UUUHH OOOHHHH. Looks like two title defenses there pl Mikweypoo...BOOM!

Yes, thanks to me.. And you can thank me now.. And by all means Show Mike Johnson this (I can't cause he has me blocked, why? Because of me checking him in the past, just like this. He feels he's 'above' being checked, LOL) Because yes, the proof is there. Mike Johnson, Just... Got checked. :)

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