Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hannibal Warning to Creators about FITE TV Not Paying Creators, Not Paying Money They Owe

Hannibal Warning to Creators about FITE The Hannibal TV Lead reporter Devon Hannibal Nicholson issues a warning to fellow creators about FITE TV/The FITE app who have been very dishonest with our company in our personal dealings with them regarding advertising revenue from content provided. They entered into deals which they didn't uphold and we warn other creators that in our experience they did not pay us for the content we delivered and they earned ad revenue on. The 4 individuals from FITE we deal with were Michael Weber, Micheal Patellis, Tomas Yu and Louis Lewow. The Hannibal TV content is now off of FITE however they have failed to pay the remainder of the money owed since the spring to the termination of the agreement on November 20th 2018 despite saying they would.

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