Saturday, December 22, 2018

Dave Scherer At PWInsider Makes Threats, Gets Called On It, THEN Bitches Up, ROFLMAO!

Evidently Dave Scherer has continued to show how much of a fucking moron he is. As if this story from yesterday wasn't bad enough where he and Mike Johnson (also of PWinsider) Got put in check by a reader of this blog ( ) Which casme as a result of Johnson being checked on this story here ( To which Mike Johnson STILL, hasn't gone ahead and admitted he was corrected by yours truly even though the obvious is there) Dave Scherer still is living under the elusion that he was talking to me thru emails... (HHHMMMM, my name is Bill, the guy he's responding to is named Neal... Maybe you can get a connection on how we're one and the same because, nobody but Scherer seems to see that), even though in one of the stories from yesterday I posted my email addy and told Scherer to email me directly (which he has yet to do). I'm on Twitter, so is he, he can message me direct there, BUT.. of course, he hasn't. he's preferring to respond in emails to a reader of this blog over talking to me directly.

Only a dumb fuck does that and well.. It's been assessed in many ways recently that Dave Scherer is indeed, a dumb fuck.

SO.. Here is the latest exchange between the reader of this blog and Scherer.. Neal sent this to me directly as you'll see and.. You'll see Dave Scherer threaten to post some link allegedly about me, get that bluff called by Neal and then Scherer quickly (and apparently) bitching up when called out to do it.

Here's where Neal emailed me with the message.

Now here's where Dave makes the threat, gets his bluff called and then punks out. (To make a note, Dave hasn't done shit to carry out his threats either, so this exchange rings on what a bitch ass Scherer seems to be.

Dave Scherer has said time and again in his Q&A's on his site that he "doesn't care' what people say about him, but yet look at from yesterday and tight here.. He sure is doing ALOT of bluffing and puffing for a guy who 'doesn't care', LMAO! Maybe some day Scherer will actually get a clue, but from the looks of things, even if he did get a clue, he wouldn't know what to do with it.

So this is what the main guys at PWInsider do when they get checked. This is how they react, you can thank me for showing you this and all credit goes to Neal Bane for giving me all this to show you people. Scherer got punked, plain and simple.

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