Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Court Bauer Accuses WWE Of "Sketchy" Practices, Wrestlers Of "Blowing Off" MLW Work To Meet With WWE

WWE? "Sketchy Preactices'? NNOO Way, nnevveerr, LOL!

Major League Wrestling CEO and former WWE writer Court Bauer took to Twitter earlier today and accused WWE of "sketchy" behavior, also accusing Garza Jr. and Ultimo Ninja of bailing on MLW duties to meet with officials from WWE Talent Relations.
Responding to a tweet about how MLW should bring in Garza, Bauer noted that they booked Garza and Ultimo Ninja back in the spring but the cousins bailed on pre-tape filming to meet with WWE officials across town.
Bauer wrote, "We brought in Garza along with Ultimo Ninja this past spring. They vanished, blowing off pre tapes to meet across town with @WWE Talent Relations and negotiate deals. Super talented guys but that was unprofessional and puts you on my do not disturb list. Sketchy move by WWE too."
Garza dismissed the claim and said they just went to the WWE show to meet with friends, not to negotiate a deal.
Garza wrote, "It wasn't for negotiations, we just go to see the show and visit some friends, the negotiations we haved time ago. But if that error bothers you in name of my cousin and I we are sorry bro"
It was reported back in April that Garza was expected to sign with WWE, depending on if he passed his medical tests. Garza, who was recovering from shoulder surgery following his stint with Impact Wrestling, noted that he would be making an announcement on his future in the summer but that announcement never came.
Bauer tweeted more on the incident and accused WWE of arranging a meeting with the wrestlers, knowing why they were in town, and on his dime. You can see the related tweets below:

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