Sunday, December 9, 2018

Christopher Daniels Talks The Elite Leaving ROH, His Own Ring Of Honor Future, PCO Signing With ROH

Christopher Daniels spoke with Wrestling Epicenter about The Elite leaving ROH, his future with the company, and PCO signing with Ring of Honor. Here are some of the highlights:
The Elite leaving Ring of Honor and how it will impact the company:
"I think immediately it would have an effect, but honestly, I think that is just how professional wrestling goes. If the Elite feel that Ring of Honor isn't the place for them anymore, then there will be spots that become open that will be filled by other wrestlers tapping in to their potential. That is just how it is. People leave professional wrestling companies and other wrestlers fill those spots and find success. Ring of Honor has had wrestlers leave in the past and has survived and thrived. So, I don't see anything different happening if the Elite decide to leave."
His future with Ring of Honor:
"I've never really had these kind of stakes in Ring of Honor before. The situation, right now, is [ROH COO] Joe Koff said earlier in the year that he wasn't going to renew my contract. I've been trying to find reasons for him to change his mind and he hasn't yet. Now, we've come to a point where Marty [Scurll] has decided to put his number one [contender spot] that he won at Survival of the Fittest. So, if I win this match, I'll have a defacto extension until I wrestle for the world title. The situation now is, it is win or go home for me. That is a pretty big hurdle. And, of course, Marty Scurll is one of the top wrestlers in the world. It is a big challenge. I'm really looking forward to it. I think I have Marty's number. No matter what happens, I'm going to do what I do best which is wrestle and we'll see how it goes."
ROH signing PCO:
"I think it is great that PCO has reinvigorated himself and reinvented his career. I don't know what he was doing the years prior to bursting on the independent scene and making a splash like he did. It is a great acquisition for ROH to have. I think the eyes of the wrestling world were sort of on PCO. For him to come to Ring of Honor now is a statement that Ring of Honor is trying to get a hold of the best talent in the world to raise the game in Ring of Honor overall."

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