Sunday, December 23, 2018

Another Partial "Hidden Gem" that's, Yep You Guessed it, 'not so hidden', LOL!

The daily dose of making PWInsider and WWE look dumb as hell continues today with this...

Here's PWInsiderr Paul Jordan AGAIN, giving me the inspiration to make the site he writersd for look like morons, with his post today about another WWE 'hidden gem' that isn't so hidden. One look on YouTube shows that every day Jordan does this, every day he looks like a fucking moron. Apparently Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson who run PWInsider don't seem to care that their staff writer looks like an idiot every single day (what does that say, about THEM? HHHMMM).

And now look, Midnight Express vs Midnight Rockers? Damn here's the match right here on YouTube. One has been there for over a year and the other, three months.. But WWE is going to add this tomorrow as part of a 'hidden germ', LMAO! Dumb fucks.

The main match on this is the one that isn't the “Hidden Gem” WWE wants people to think it is, plus the complete card for this show isn't as impressive as it could've been.

Bottom line though, if WWE claims a 'hidden gem' is going to be added, and if idiots like Paul Jordan report it as it's such a “HUGE THING”, then guys like me will just have to continue showing, why he and WWE are acouple of the biggest morons going today. So again, you can thank me now for this because no other wrestling news site has the balls to do what I do when it comes to this. :)

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