Saturday, December 15, 2018

Another Dipshit On Twitter Gets Smacked By Me (Why Do they Always Make It So Easy For Me To Do?)

coming off me putting an idiot on Twitter in check yesterday (Story on that right here ) We now have THIS Dipshit who's a friend of the dipshit I put in check yesterday. I swear some people should be refused internet access.

The least Assclowns like this can do is make it hard for me to put them in their place. But unfortunately they always rely on the same old replies like everyone else. The same old claims and same ol weak ass defenses that further make them look like fucking dumb asses.

THIS is why I hate talking to marks, people like this idiot and the one yesterday that has the I.Q. of dogshit show why abortions are legal, in this country.

Another guy who's putting this moron in check sent me these. It's obvious this shit for brains lives in a very delusional bubble if he thinks he's looking good in this. Ray Charles can see if this was a real fight, this moron would've been knocked right out.

I watched the discussion continue without saying a word for over a half an hour and this shot right here? This here silenced them both dipshits at the same time and they haven't said shit in over fifteen minutes. I can't even take credit for it but WHAM! After this, they quickly got silent, imagine that, LOL!

between what I've done and That post above? THAT is how is how you checkmate morons on Twitter. 

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