Saturday, November 10, 2018

WWE 'Again' Adding Matches To Their Network That Are Already On Youtube (UUHH OOHHH)

Special 'Thanks' to Paul Jordan at PWInsider for posting there, what became the the inspiration for this post, HERE. :)

Paul Jordan posted This... 

But one look on Youtube and as you can see by, THIS.. That match has been on Youtube, so trying to feature it as part of a "Marquee Match" series makes the WWE once again look quite stupid.

Oh but wait, there's more. There's also this as well, thanks to Paul Jordan's 'reporting'. 

And of course if you're seeing this post, you know what's coming nest, right? That's THIS. Proving again  that WWE is dumb as fuck when it comes to this stuff because i bust them quite often on stuff like this.
Just alittle bit of research goes a long way but I guess when they're too busy micromanaging the bad gimmicks, horrible storylines and incredibly horrible scripted promos they write for the talent, they don't have time to research things that they're going to put on their own network. Which is why, someone like me will always have the fun job of fact checking them and make them look stupid. It's quite easy as they in a way, make themselves look dumb as fuck all by themselves doing this shit.

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