Friday, November 2, 2018

What's The Message here? HHH & HBK Injured and Shane Wins At Crown Jewel

WWE announced that Triple H suffered what appears to be a torn pectoral muscle at Crown Jewel, which is why the tag match fell apart so badly. Shawn Michaels also landed on his head trying the moonsault to the floor. He was cut over his left eye and bleeding from the nose. The Miz was not injured, that was all an angle and the Shane McMahon thing was always planned for him to win the Best in the World match.

The message here is loud and clear (which of course WWE will promptly ignore), relying on past guys who no longer can give the performance they're used to, OR HHH and HBK should realize they can't do what they're used to and adjust so that way your match doesn't fall apart along with relying on a 'McMahon' to further bolster someone's ego over pushing someone who deserves to be pushed to win the World Cup? is precisely HOW... You lose fans. Which is why a guy like me who had been a fan dating back to when they debuted on what is now a FOX Station in Chicago on a Saturday morning way back in the 80's, has more fun making fun of the obvious of what they've become which is a shit product and HAS found better product to watch.. Than put myself thru what millions of fans did when they watched a show that shouldn't have been held in Saudi Arabia to begin with.

Every fan that sat thru this bullshit show and is bitching about it? Guess what, that's on YOU, for thinking that for once, they'd have a decent show instead of getting one where guys who shouldn't be trying to do what can't do anymore (HBK and HHH) wind up fucking up and injuring themselves, and an owner who HAS to throw his son out there to win something that pushing someone more deserving would've befitted better from. Instead of pushing someone lower on the roster up a level what you got instead was the same ol McMahon postering which is a slap in the face of every wrestler who's trying to live their dream of 'being' in the WWE. So if you're bitching about Crown Jewel then bitch at yourself for being dumb enough to sit thru it when there's better wrestling to watch elsewhere. I'll continue to do just that, watch better wrestling elsewhere because from all the complaining I've seen over it, it was another great reminder of why, WWE no longer wants a fan like me watching their product anymore. So thank you WWE for giving me that reminder, one more time. :)

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