Monday, November 12, 2018

Pretty Sad That An Indy Promoter Thought THIS, Was A 'Great Booking'. (rolls eyes)

You know it's pretty fucking lame when the best a promoter can do for a main event is Hornswoggle vs Ellsworth in a street fight match.

Big Time Wrestling from Friday night in Lynn, MA before 300 fans: Slyk Wagner Brown b Brandon Webb, Todo Loco & Mister TA b Channing Thomas & Beau Douglas, John Walters b Teddy Goodz, Big Cass b Thomas Santell (Antonio Thomas), Danny Miles b Bam Shaw, Hornswoggle b James Ellsworth in a street fight.

Why not have them put a local guy over, OR.. Spend the money it cost to bring them two guys in, and bring someone else who'll actually mean something on the show? The sad fact is? 300 people paid to see this thinking this was a 'great' match up. (rolls eyes)

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