Monday, November 19, 2018

People Asked Me Questions, Here I Give Them Answers :)

These came from FB messenger, email and Twitter.

What was your favorite federation growing up?

AWA and Bob Luce/Dick The Bruiser's WWA in Indiana.

Knowing your disdain for Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson( PWInsider), Jason Powell ( and WrestlingInc, Do you consider yourself 'better' than them when it comes to being a columnist? Also, with their recent blocking of you because you fact checked them do you think they believe you're not in their league?

I don't know about better but I just have a very different approach compared to them, I always have. While they over saturate their sites with what I consider senseless WWE stuff I know there's more to this business than WWE they're neglecting for whatever reason. So what they're neglecting, (emphasis on indy and UK stuff) that's left a gap which I've more than been happy to fill. There's always something 'MORE” than just WWE to write about so if they don't want to cover it, I will. That's how I've gotten my name back into it since I returned to doing this acouple years ago. What they fail or neglect or ignore I've taken up so that has helped me stand out from them. So by all means please have them continue to do that because guys like me will continue to have my name out there because of it. As for their 'blocking' of me or anyone else that shows them something I wrote about them? As I keep saying, truth hurts, especially when I provide proof to back up that truth. Proof is a mother fucker and I seem to be a mother fucker who has a knack for supplying proof.

What the problem it seems for them is, they're not used to someone publicly putting them in their place. For the longest time they've had this feeling that because they're hiding in their little bubble of their own web page, 'controlling' people's replies and comments so that way it makes it 'appear' that they have the last word on someone. But get them out of their bubble that they hide behind, like on FB or Twitter and go heads up on them, they're not used to that and don't know how to react when someone puts them in check on that kind of a platform. So blocking is the only thing they have because they really have nothing else. They don't have the balls to admit they got put in check so they'd rather hide behind a block like a bitch instead. I've said it before and I'll say it again. People can access or message me on FB, email, Twitter and they want to engage, pack a lunch and prepare ahead of time because I'll engage back. Maybe it's because someone like myself hasn't come along before and fact checked certain things they've written and exposed it, that they're not used to it. Whatever it is that's on them if they can dish it out but are too much of a pussy to take it when someone gives it right back tot hem. They want to act like bitches, treat em like bitches then. And by all means go ahead and tell all of them I said that. Expect to get blocked immediately after you do though because that's all they're capable of doing.

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog, you bring such a wide variety of things that I don't see on other wrestling sites. The podcast recaps, YouTube stuff and old matches make visiting your blog very enjoyable. Thank you for not writing a recap of shows but showing them. My question is, have you had any promotion angry at you because you've posted their YouTube material?

Thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy what I post there. Not one federation or promotion anywhere has asked me to stop posting their Youtube material. When it comes to like the indy groups or companies like Defiant, ICW, OTT, etc. They've actually liked (on my Twitter announcement of what's been updated) the fact I've mentioned them in some way. It's added exposure they're not getting elsewhere, that they are getting on a regular basis by me. Plus since I'm a fan of these indy promotions and the UK companies I enjoy watching and getting my wrestling fix from them. So since they're satisfying what the major companies here in the states can't or won't do for me? I'm happy to try and plug it in some way for them. I have the platform of this blog, and acouple places on FB to post stuff so why not give em a plug and hopefully have others watch and enjoy their product like I do.

What was the worst wrestling show you've ever been to?

Without a doubt it was Ringside Wrestling, in Hooksett, NH run by Jeff Costas. I actually wrote about that, which you could find right here at this link. I went to that show while I was working for WWA New England and Costas wasn't happy with me being there.. You can read all about that at that link.

What legends did you wish you always wish you could meet but weren't able to?

Dick The Bruiser and Da Crusher. Bruiser Brody as well. Growing up watching them to this day are wonderful memories that thanks to Youtube, I can go back and revisit anytime. I would love to pick the brain of Greg Gagne as I've seen his shoot interview but there's some questions, as a long fan growing up on the AWA I'd love to ask him.

Do you watch WWE, Impact or ROH on a regular basis?

Nope. Every time I try to watch them, they remind me again why I don't. Which is why I'm thankful for watching indy wrestling, especially the ones I follow on a weekly basis, along with companies like WWA out of Kentucky, and the UK federations like WOS, Defiant, PROGRESS, NGW, ICW, OTT (as of late has caught my attention and is keeping it :) ). The UK stuff has more wrestlers I can get into than most of the ones here in America working for the said companies you mentioned. Plus the storylines are simple, believable, and the UK shows I watch have that old “ECW Vibe” to them that I've always enjoyed. Simple straight ahead wrestling shows that doesn't insult my fucking intelligence. Something that seems to be too much of a challenge for the big three here in America to accomplish.

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