Thursday, November 22, 2018

Marty Scurll Talks If He Would Want To Sign With WWE

Recently on The Jim Ross Report, WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross spoke with the one-time ROHWorld Television Champion Marty Scurll. Among many other things, Scurll talked about getting a great deal of creative freedom from the pro wrestling promotions for which he works. Scurll talked about why he would be disinclined to sign with WWE. Additionally, Scurll talked about the "weird psychology" in American pro wrestling where talents do not want to lose via submission.
According to Scurll, he is fortunate to have a lot of creative freedom from ROH and NJPW. For example, 'The Villain' did not smarten up NJPW brass about the massive mechanical wings he planned for his Wrestle Kingdom 12 entrance.
"For a lot of places, to get back to [Ross'] question, I have a lot of creative freedom. New Japan, for example, last year, Wrestle Kingdom, I decided I was going to do this big, elaborate entrance where I came out with these mechanical wings. I don't think I even told New Japan about that. I just turned up with them because in my head, it's, 'okay, I'm in this match, there are four of us, there [are] a lot of big stars on the show, Chris Jericho on the show, Kenny Omega, all these big matches. I've got to maximize my minutes. How can I steal the show somewhat?' I'm like, 'okay, well, I do have an entrance. Just make sure it's the best entrance on the show. I can control that, so stuff like that." Scurll added, "Ring Of Honor, I've had a really good time recently. Ring Of Honor has always been about young, hungry talent, and going out there and leaving it all in the ring."
During the interview, Ross suggested that Scurll can pretty much write his own destiny at this point and sign with whatever pro wrestling promotion he desires. Scurll responded that it is a testament to the strength of the independent pro wrestling scene.
"I think it really speaks volumes as to how far the [pro] wrestling scene has come in the previous five years even." Scurll explained, "when I came into wrestling it was after the time WCW had been bought out, ECW had been bought out, so there [were not] a lot of options for guys. It was go to WWE or not."
According to Scurll, WWE is not the be all end all anymore for pro wrestlers anymore and there is something attractive about being your own boss. The former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion suggested that pro wrestlers are not truly independent contractors if they cannot call their own shots.
"Most recently with the growth of things like New Japan and even companies like Ring Of Honor and stuff we've been doing, it [has] given us another platform to make money and not just provide for our families, but make good money. We've got out shirts in every single mall in America now. We're running stadium shows now. There are Pop! Funkos out there for us. It's like, 'wow'. We're in a position now where maybe we don't have to work in the WWE to make good money." Scurll continued, "and obviously there is something very satisfying about being your own boss. Like, as an independent contractor, [pro] wrestlers are always independent contractors, but they'll always be questioned, 'oh, are they really independent contractors?' Right, but myself, I'll be an independent contractor and I'm going to make sure that I am my own boss, that I pick my own hours. I'm going to make my own business decisions. I'm going to be where I want to be when I want to be and that's really cool."
Also during the podcast, Scurll divulged that he is unsure about whether he ever wants to go to WWE. While the member of The Elite admitted that he would lying if he had not thought about having a WrestleMania entrance, Scurll stated that WWE run would have to be on the right terms.  
"Most of the jobs I had when I was younger, I got fired from. I never had the attention span. I had good grades in school, but I was always in trouble. I used to get suspended and I'm not very good at being told what to do. And that's a fault of mine for sure, but in this wrestling, I feel like I can make it work. So, like I said before, I'm always going to work best, I think, doing things on my own. In terms of WWE, great company, I'm not sure if that's ever something that I would really want to do. At the same time, I'd be lying if I told you I hadn't thought about doing my entrance, for example, at a WrestleMania. I'm sure that could be a hell of a production and something the fans can really get behind. And it just has to be on the right terms." Scurll added, "it always has to be what's best for me."
Apparently, Scurll struggled to make a name for himself early on in the United States as opponents did not want to tap to the crossface chicken wing. The former 'Party' Marty claimed he never understood the problem American pro wrestlers have with submitting because it is believable and much easier than pinning someone in a real fight.
"That was one of my struggles coming to America to make a name for myself." Scurll recalled, "my finish or my special would be the crossface chicken wing submission. And I'd find, a lot of guys, it would hurt their ego if they had to tap out, which I found shocking because in a real fight, like I told you from my shoot experience, if we had a fight right now, Jim, it would be much easier for you to catch me in a submission and tap me out than it would be to pin my shoulders to the mat for three seconds. Do you know what I mean? It's believable to catch someone in a submission. It happens to everyone. You see Brock Lesnar and he tapped out. Right [in his first fight]! It happens. It happens, so if he's going to tap out, I'm pretty sure we can all do it. Do you know what I mean? It's a weird psychology."

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