Thursday, November 15, 2018

Instead Of WrestlingInc Correcting Their Story, A Staff Member There Turns Into A Bitch (Updated)

Here's the two stories on WrestlingInc having the wrong information on a recent story they posted. The stories I wrote show proof that they were incorrect with their info and I supplied proof that they were wrong. and

So insyead of simply admitting that they didn't do any research on the story, admit they were incorrect and actually FIX the story so it had the correct information, LOOK at what one staff member at WrestlingInc did when HE, was shown these stories I wrote on Twitter.

Apparently the people over at WrestlingInc don't like it when they get put in check on their own story by another wrestling writer who obviously has more knowledge than they do. Three different people showed this staff member and the main WrestlingInc Twitter Channel my stories and as you can see above.. They decided not to correct themselves, they decided to show what little bitches they are. They can't handle being corrected. It would've made more sense to just go and fix their story and admit they were wrong but instead, they punked out, bitched up and now show what pussies they really are by hiding behind a block because they got smacked with facts by yours truly.

I'm fining it more and more amusing on how these so called "more well known' wrestling writers like Dave Scherer, Mike Johnson (PWInsider) and this guy here at WrestlingInc show how much they're just little bitches when they get put in their place. It;s not my fault they put incorrect info on their story, it's not my fault I apparently know more than they do and it's not my fault they have such fragile egos that they can dish it out as long as they're in their own little bubble, of their own webpage where they can control replies. But when you get them away from their safe haven and on something more public like Twitter or FB, they go into bitch mode when you bitch slap them.

BUT.. This is your 'well known' writers for you, get punked by a guy who has more knowledge and you see how they bitch up. All that does is enhance me even more that a story I wrote that was true about them, make them react like little babies because they can't handle the fact I made them look bad with their own story. Sucks to be them and you can thank me now for showing, what little bitches guys like this really are.

He blocked another person who dared to show my story on WrestlingInc. My my how sensitive this assclown really is (laughs hysterically)

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