Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I Get To Put Someone At WrestlingInc In Check, Again (They Don't Do Any Research It Seems)

The following screenshots comes from WrestlingInc's own web page. A story they posted about Bill Dundee.

As you can see they claim Dundee is a Multi time NWA and AWA Champion, which is complete bullshit. Now I'd go ahead and reply to this story and let them know upfront that they're wrong but as you can see by the second shot, I can't. WrestlingInc has banned me from replying to any of their stories. Why? Because I've had to put them in check on things they've posted in the past and this is their way of responding to the fact that they got checked, with facts and proof. So instead of correcting themselves and crediting me with helping THEM, get their story/facts straight. Someone there (and I have a good idea WHO, that is) decided that banning me for putting them in their place with facts was better than them correcting themselves. So I'm unable to personally tell them that they are once again, incorrect and WRONG, on their claims about Dundee being NWA and AWA Champion.
And before anyone can say 'bullshit' about what i say? Proof is a mother fucker and I'm always a mother fucker, who has proof. So here it is, proof that of course, I know what I'm talking about and some people at WrestlingInc, don't.

Right from the Wikipedia post on Dundee's bio is this nice list of titles he's held. Take a good look because, NOWHERE! Does it say he's been NWA or.. AWA Champion. He's been AWA TAG TEAM Champion with Jerry Lawler. Hell I remember that because I grew up watching the AWA and remember seeing it when it actually happened. The closest thing Dundee has come to being a 'world' singles champion is as you see in the shots, USWA 'Unified' world champion. Which was really a version of the AWA championship that Lawler once held and was STRIPPED OF, when he went and created his own 'Unified' World title belt.

So at least with me? I give you facts, I give you stories based on facts and I can supply proof to back my shit up at any time. Unlike as you see here with WrestlingInc, who doesn't do any real research before they go and post something, and will be really pissed off when they find out this story is out there, putting them in check, again. The least you can do, is do some actual fucking research. It took me ninety seconds to get the proof I needed that staff at WrestlingInc were incorrect on their claims here. Ninety... F'N... Seconds.. Think about that. 

So by all means let the staff at WrestlingInc know they've been checked, again. I'm unable to and you can see why, they block people like me who have the balls to fact check their shit. SSOO, since I can't let them know personally thanks to them banning me I'll just put them in their place right here, with this story. Just think, in the time it took for them to post their story, they actually could've did some checking to see if Dundee actually WAS, NWA or AWA Champion. They didn't which now thanks to me putting them in their place one more time, shows you just how, lazy they seem to be there. You can thank me now for being a guy who seems to know more, than the so called 'bigger names and sites' out there :)

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