Monday, November 12, 2018

Cody Rhodes Update

The results of Cody Rhodes' MRI on his knee came in today, and he suffered a large meniscus tear in an injury on Friday night's ROH Global Wars show in Buffalo.
The injury occurred when he pivoted his foot just moving and not the result of any move. He heard a large pop.
The injury will require arthroscopic surgery.
Right now his plan is to get the surgery in January after NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 13. While not announced, based on the angle last night in Toronto, it looks like he will defend the IWGP United States Heavyweight title against Juice Robinson on that show.
Cody missed last night's match in Toronto against Beretta, and Robinson took his place in the match and won. The usual New Japan protocol is if a champion misses a title defense the substitution match is for the title, but in this case that would have changed scheduled plans.
Cody tweeted this afternoon: "GOOD news is my doctor is fairly confident that my mcl/pcl/acl are structurally sound. BAD news is the meniscus is fairly damaged, gonna’ require a scope. No dates will be adjusted at the moment, and I’ll definitely still compete in the final battle main event & at WK." 

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