Sunday, October 28, 2018

WWE 'Live Streaming' An Old Show From 2017? That's Already ON Youtube? LMAO!

SSOOO again, WWE shows what morons they are with this, ahem.... "Live Streaming" of a Smackdown show from 2017 that, as you can see, one look on Youtube and it's already there! Three different links I came up with within 40 seconds. So WWHHYY even bother 'live streaming' a show that's a year old to your network when people can see it now on Youtube? If people at the WWE can't see how stupid they are with this constantly happening, and me easily pointing this out every time they fuck up like this, then yes, they are dumber than I or you ever thought. Someday people at WWE will actually smarten up and do some research before making themselves look like total dumb fucks doing this dumb shit over and over, and over again. So you can again thank me for being the one who points it out, because other wrestling writers won't have the balls to do it. They're too busy kissing the ass of McMahon and other promoters so that way they can have interviews on their podcasts and "VIP membership" sections of their web pages. I, don't need to do that so I have nothing to lose by exposing these little tidbits for you. :)

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