Monday, October 15, 2018

Update Regarding Austin Aries' Status With Impact Wrestling Following His "no sell" at BFG

After no selling the effects of Johnny Impact's finisher at Bound For Glory last night It's been states that Aries has, "gone home," and will not be attending the Impact Wrestling TV tapings today, or tomorrow. Since Impact tapes weeks, sometimes months, in advance this means that Aries will not be included on Impact Wrestling TV for as long as the tapings are set to run.
Aries has not been fired by Impact Wrestling. It's been speculated that while aspects of the feud may have been real, Aries and Johnny are likely working together now. With that said, the press conference brawl that the two engaged in before BFG does appear to have gotten, "a little out of control." Including one of the sponsors being pushed to the ground in the fracas. Apparently, Anthem and the sponsors had issues with how that press conference went down.

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