Saturday, October 13, 2018

MLW Fusion Episode's 25 and 26 Posted here for you.

After 15 years LA Park returns to Major League Wrestling as Salina de la Renta conjures up the Mexican destroyer to destroy Pentagon Jr. in tonight’s main event on MLW FUSION on beIN SPORTS at 8pm ET. Pentagon Jr. and his brother, Rey Fenix, have been at odds since a mid-summer split with their now former manager and promoter, Salina de la Renta after Konnan exposed her exploitative contract with the World Tag Team Champions. Tonight Pentagon Jr. faces his greatest challenge in the legendary Monterrey brawler. However, he will have someone in his corner that knows the original La Parka better than jut about anyone in Konnan. Promociones Dorado is out for a pound of flesh and they may just get it! Billed as a “Mexican Massacre Match” where there are no disqualifications or no countouts, this bout promises to be a wild clash. The Hart Foundation’s Davey Boy Smith Jr. will also be in competition as he takes on ACH. Will the 6’5” powerhouse shutdown ACH’s dynamic speed and power or will ACH’s suuuuper arsenal overwhelm the British-Canadian? With bad blood running deep between ACH and Rich Swann’s camp and the Hart Foundation, this is a bout to watch closely tonight! The first MLW: FIGHTLAND control center drops. Learn all about MLW’s Chicago debut on November 8th! Will someone finally snag Simon Gotch’s $1,500? Tune in to find out as Simon hosts the 4th Simon Gotch Prize Fight Challenge. Promociones Dorado’s personal sicario Ricky Martinez will also lace up his boots as he has what is billed as a tune-up match. Sami Callihan is also scheduled to comment on his on-going war with Jimmy Havoc plus tons more! Join Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini for some great wrestling action!

After suffering a severe concussion at the hands of the Hart Foundation, Rich Swann returns to action in Friday's main event against the man who sent him to the hospital: Teddy Hart.   All summer the Hart Foundation have questioned the severity of Swann's injury while Swann's camp has called out the Harts for unprofessional conduct during their tag team match. This Friday night Hart and Swann look to resolve their issues in the squared circle. Salina de la Renta promises her wrath will be felt as Promociones Dorado marches towards their World Tag Team Title match November 8th. What does she have in store for the Lucha Bros.? We will find out this Friday night 8pm ET on beIN SPORTS!  Brian Pillman Jr. will make his singles debut as he battles Vandal Ortagun.  Will the Turkish veteran and pit fighter be too much for the rogue member of the Hart Foundation?  Speaking of debuts, El Hijo de LA Park looks to impress in his first MLW bout as he takes on another top flight middleweight in Jimmy Yuta.  A new MLW: FIGHTLAND control center will reveal more matches for the league's upcoming November 8th debut in Chicago plus tons more!  Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini call the action ringside from South Florida!

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