Thursday, October 11, 2018

Jocephus Spiritual Journey to #NWA70 (2018)

This video was presented to the NWA today by Jocephus about #NWA70 One man has caused more chaos inside the National Wrestling Alliance in the last 365 days and his name is Jocephus. His war with former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Tim Storm, his odd relationship with his Spiritual Advisor and the building of his Kingdom of Jocephus set this insane brawler apart from everyone else in wrestling in 2017 and 2018. Now, Jocephus has focused his energy on Crimson. A man he believes he was helping by inviting him into the Kingdom of Jocephus. That has now spilled over into a personal rivalry that seems to be coming to a head at NWA 70 Event in Nashville, TN on 10/21/18.

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