Saturday, October 20, 2018

Had To Put Someone At Pro-Wrestling.Net In Check (updated)

Jason At Pro-Wrestling.Net did the story alleging that Chris Jericho, Jim Ross and AXS-TV were creating a wrestling promotion together. I saw over at Wrestlinginc that both Jericho AND, AXS-TV killed the rumor. As you can see by the shots here I tried to inform Jason (Much like I did a guy named "Park' over at The Torch) That Jericho and AXS-TV both deny this. You can see for yourself how Jason responds to having someone confirm something he allegedly 'couldn't confirm'. One look at Wrestlinginc confirmed it so how he 'couldn't confirm' it is a freaking mystery. Sometimes you just have to make someone look like the fucking idiot that they are. I also posted the link to where AXS-RV denied involvement but obviously Jason won't approve that one because well. I pretty much did his job for him and I'm not even part of Pro-Wrestling.Net. You can thank me for doing what the so called 'more well known' columnsys can't seem to do. It was my pleasure putting Jason here, in check.

Since Jason at Pro-Wrestling.Net replied but wouldn't post the other thing that confirms what he claims he 'couldn't confirm'. I'll add this here. My site doesn't get enough attention? I do believe these numbers from yesterday leading in to today say what kind of viewership I get. It's quite impressive. And of course he's going to go with the usual, yet most typical "I'm done with this'" reply. They always hide behind that when someone comes and checks them, for them like I have.

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