Thursday, October 25, 2018

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Worldwide #172 - Converse vs Wilkins

PWI Heavyweight Title: Ric Converse(c) vs Roy Wilkins Ted "TKO" Ireland & Dirty Daddy vs Number Dad & Number Man Bobby Orlando vs Chris "TNT" Taylor Donnie Bitdon, Otto Schwanz & "Pitbull" Steven Idol vs Aaron Biggs, Mike Mars & Snooty Foxx ========= CWF INFO ================ Like what you see? CWF Mid-Atlantic runs between 30-40 live events each year; many of which emanate from the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium in the heart of the legendary NWA territory along Tobacco Road (1001 Springwood Ave, Gibsonville, NC). Aside from hosting live events, CWF also fully trains all prospective wrestlers and have had no less than two dozen compete for the WWE. For more information on training or to book the stars of CWF in your town, please visit us at, and follow us on all of the following social media.

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