Wednesday, September 12, 2018

WWHATT? Not Again.. WWE's "Hidden Gem" Is Again, Not So 'Hidden'.

This is becoming WWAAYY too easy now, but yet still, funny as hell every time I do it.
Renee Young’s WWE audition tape is being added to the WWE Network’s hidden gems section this week. Beth Phoenix vs. ODB vs. Katie Lea (OVW, 2006) and Kaitlyn vs. Rosa Mendes (FCW, 2011) are also being uploaded.
OOHH you mean THIS Kaitlyn vs. Rosa Mendes match from FCW in 2011 that's already been available on Youtube for the PAST SEVEN YEARS!?
LMAO! I keep asking how is it that the WWE can micromanage every little thing but yet, keep fucking up when it comes to this on an almost weekly basis. Funny how I can't seem to get an answer to that.

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