Monday, September 17, 2018

Cody Says he Can Defend The NWA World Title On RAW? BULL-SHIT! (Updated)

Yeah right Cody, I call bullshit because there's no way McMahon will allow the NWA World title to be defended on any WWE tv show now, nice try though.
Cody appeared as NWA champion yesterday at the Championship Wrestling from Hollywood TV tapings in Port Hueneme, CA. Cody did a promo saying the rules of the NWA allow him to defend the title anywhere, and he said that means he can defend it in ROH (which he will do on the 9/29 TV tapings) and that he could defend it on Raw after he becomes a free agent at the end of this year. Nick Aldis wrestled on the show. David Arquette was there but didn't wrestle.

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