Saturday, September 1, 2018

Cody Rhodes is NEW NWA World Champion.. ALL IN LIVE RESULTS

What began with a tweet becomes a reality as Saturday brings us All In, a PPV event put together by the Young Bucks and Cody that sold out Chicago's Sears Centre Arena in roughly 30 minutes. 

The stage and entrance looks great and is very WWE-esque with a main video board and supporting video boards. They didn't do an actual show intro which was a little odd. 
SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) def. ROH Tag Champions The Briscoe Brothers in a non-title match
Sky came out dressed like Apollo Creed with the American flag shorts and ring jacket. They did the 'worst town I've ever been in' gimmick and a in a quick pre-match promo, Kazarian said the two were "all in" and part of history.
The match kicked off with lots of "All In" chants. The Briscoes were the heels and double-teamted Kazarian early until SCU got the advantage. Sky did the Creed foot shuffle while punching Mark Briscoe until Jay nailed him from behind to retake the advantage. The Briscoes worked over Sky for several minutes with lots of double teaming and cutting off the ring so Sky couldn't get the tag. 
Eventually, Sky rolled through to get the hot tag and he cleaned house. He hit a cool spot where he was rolled through on Mark and Jay tried to attack. While still in post-roll-up position, Kazarian threw a belly-to-belly on Mark. The match really picked up steam as Sky belly-to-belly suplexed one of the Briscoes over and after Kazarian hit a hurancarana, Sky swantoned over the top on the Briscoes that popped the crowd big in a great looking spot.
The Briscoes later got the advantange, but Kazarian kicked out of Redneck Boogie. They tried a top rope version but Sky threw Jay into the barracade and Frankensteinered Mark off the top. They double-teamed Mark on a lung blower that got two. Briscoes hit a Jay Driller into a big Mark elbow on Sky for two as things continued to speed up.
The Briscoes went for a Doomsday Device, but Kazarian caught the leaping Mark for a powerslam for the pin and Sky hit a big knee on Jay to prevent him from breaking up the pin in a match that went roughly 15 minutes.
The match started out like your basic traditional tag, but really picked up after the Kazarian hot tag. Sky was really impressive and the final spot with the Kazarian powerslam was excellent.
From a production standpoint, the show looks fantastic but the audio is still lacking a bit. While the announcers have mentioned the PPV and even did a 'Trending Worldwide' graphic for #AllIn, there's no countdown clock or crawler which seems like an oversight. There has been plenty of Pro Wrestling Tees ads and mentions though.
The Over Budget Battle Royal is next.
Coming back from break, they did a Kenny Omega backstage promo with Alicia Atout and they joked about her wearing flip flops to make Omega look taller. He talked about Pentagon and the match. The audio was pretty terrible. This was about a minute or two and then they went to break.
They did another quick return from break and played a quick promo for the Cody-Nick Aldis match and then more PW Tees ads. The way the show has been laid out, this is strictly for those who know what's going on as I could see someone dropping in as a casual wrestling fan having issues understanding what is happening.
Flip Gordon won the Over Budget Battle Royal to earn an ROH title shot at All In
Entrants: Moose, Brandon Cutler, Trent Barreta, Chuck Taylor, Rocky Romero, Cheeseburger, Hurricane Helms, Ethan Page, Tommy Dreamer, Jimmy Jacobs, Punishment Martinez, Austin Gunn, Billy Gunn, Marko Stunt, Brian Cage, Jordynne Grace, Colt Cabana, Bully Ray, Flip Gordon
We get back from break and all the battle royal wrestlers are on the outside of the ring. They showed Bully Ray walking down through the crowd and then cut to Dalton Castle on commentary. They didn't do a listing of everyone in the match.
Ray attacked Chico El Luchador (not Rocky Romero) and powerbombed him through a table and then pulled out Chucky T but Trent Berretta attacked. Jordynne Grace attacked him and then Ethan Page hit a huge kick to knock her out. Cabana then flew out onto Page and everyone eventually hit the outside of the ring and were brawling. Dreamer and Gunn teased running dives and then just stepped through the ropes and jumped down to brawl instead.
Moose ran wild for a while until the group put him on the ring apron, leading to Marko Stunt hitting a dropkick to eliminate him. Ethan Page eliminated Cutler. Punishment Martinez eliminated the Best Friends after they did their hug spot. Romero hit running clotheslines to Brian Cage and Gunn in opposite corners before Cage turned him inside out with a clothesline and threw him out.
Cheesburger was eliminated by Cage after hitting some offense including a shotei. We then got some Cage-Martinez action before both guys were chokeslammed by Hurricane Helms. Page booted Helms off the apron as both were battling, leading to Cabana hitting a butt bump to knock Cabana off. Dreamer (dressed in Dusty Rhodes polka dots) threw in a garbage can and started nailing people. He tangled with Martinez and hit the Bionic Elbow and a Spicoli Driver before being eliminated by Ray.
Ray was about to powerbomb Stunt but Billy Gunn saved him. Austin Gunn and Jimmy Jacobs then went at it and Jacobs hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle before going for the Pedigree. Billy and Jacobs then kissed before Billy said, "Suck this, b*tch" and tossed him. Austin then tossed Martinez and while the father-son were sharing a moment, Ray tossed out Austin. Billy then hit a Fameasser to Ray and went toe-to-toe with Cage before being gorilla press-slammed outside. Stunt hit a big move and then was tossed by Ray. 
We then got a Cage-Grace tangle and after Grace squatted Cage, Cage got out of hit and Grace got bucklebombed. She recovered and hit a running powerbomb and then clotheslined out Cage. She then went toe to toe with Ray and he raked her eyes. Grace and Cabana did a 'Wassup' on Ray, but Ray was able to toss Grace out and it was down to Ray and Cabana. Cabana attacked with a chair, but got reversed out of the ring for an elimination. El Luchador then got back in the ring, tore his mask off and revealed himself to be Flip Gordon. He tossed out Ray and got the win, earning himself an ROH title shot against Jay Lethal later in the show. 
It was a fun battle royal with a lot of action and surprises.
Zero Hour ended with a card rundown. 
Matt Cross defeated MJF
Cross sent MJF into the ropes but held on. Cross did a back flip and landed in the ring. MJF sent Cross to the floor and teased doing a dive but yelled that he doesn’t need to do flips to get over. Cross hit a drop kick and sent MJF to the floor. Cross hit a crazy looking dive to the floor that had so much momentum he walked all the way back up to the stage and posed.
MJF took back over and worked over the wrist. MJF slowed the paced down and continued to work the arm. MJF stuffed Cross’s arm in his tights and gave him a gut-wrench power bomb for a near fall. They fought on the top turnbuckle until Cross it a hurricanrana. Cross hit a backhand spring elbow and springboard cross body for a near fall.
MJF regained control with a double foot stomp on the arm. He then hit a package shoulder breaker for another near fall. They traded shots in the middle of the ring. MJF spit in Cross’s eyes and flipped off the fans. Cross hit a double foot stomp for a two count but MJF countered into an arm bar. MJF hit a crazy looking pile driver using the ropes for a near fall. Finish came when Cross made comeback and hit the shooting star press for the win. This was a fun opener and a good start to the PPV.
In the back, Sean Mooney interviewed NWA Worlds Champion Nick Aldis. Aldis said that Mooney is the greatest and that’s why he interviewing Aldis. Aldis promised to retain the title later.
Christopher Daniels defeated Stephen Amell
Jerry Lynn refereed the match. Stephen Amell came out to the Bullet Club Theme and with one of his Arrow co-stars. Daniels came out with SCU. They showed John Mayer sitting at ringside. Daniels had the early advantage and took Amell to the mat and stepped over him. They traded chops in the middle of the ring. Amell took down Daniels and stepped over him. They fought on the floor and Amell sent Daniels into the barricade. Amell pulled out a table. The crowd loved Amell and broke into an “Arrow” chant.
Amell hit a Falcon Arrow for a close near fall. Amell hit the Van Terminator from across the ring for another near fall. Daniels took back over and hit the Best Moonsault Ever for a two count.
They fought on the top turnbuckle and Amell knocked Daniels down. Daniels ended up on the table with Amell on the top turnbuckle. Amell attempted an elbow but Daniels moved and Amell crashed through the table. The fans chanted “Broken Arrow”.
Lynn wouldn’t let the match end in count out and threw Amell back in. Lynn and Daniels argued. Lynn took off the ref’s shirt and shoved Daniels and Amell rolled him for a two count. Amell flipped off Daniels to a huge pop. Daniels attempted the Angels Wings but Amell counted for a near fall. Daniels hit the Best Moonsault Ever for the win.
This was a really good match. Amell looked great in match considering it was only his third. They shook hands after the match.
On commentary, Don Callis got a message and said he’s got to talk to Kenny Omega. Callis left commentary. Tenile Dashwood and Mandy Leon joined in on commentary for the next match.
Tessa Blanchard defeated Madison Rayne, Britt Baker and Chelsea Green
Tully Blanchard was shown sitting at ringside. Blanchard threw Rayne into the barricade. In the ring, Baker and Green traded pin falls. Blanchard gave Baker a hanging DDT off the second turnbuckle.
Blanchard press slammed Rayne from the ring onto Baker and Green on the floor. Green fought back and hit a suicide dive nailing Baker. Blanchard hit a dive to the floor as well. Rayne hit a huge cross body onto all three women.
Baker hit a series of Sling Blades and scored a near fall on Green. Blanchard hit a standing delayed vertical suplex on Rayne for a two count. Green did Zack Ryder’s “Woo Woo” chant and hit the Rough Rider for a near fall. Rayne hit a top rope cutter for a near fall. Green hit the unprettier on Rayne but Blanchard hit the Code Breaker on Green. Baker hit a superkick on Blanchard and scored a near fall on Green. 
Rayne hit a crucifix bomb for a closer near fall. Green hit the Canadian Destroyer on Blanchard for a very closer near fall. Blanchard hit the Hammerlock DDT on Green for the win.
This was another really good match. After the match, all four women embraced and posed for the fans. The crowd loved this match and gave them a great reaction.
Cody Rhodes (w/Brandi Rhodes) defeated NWA Worlds Champion Nick Aldis to win the title
DDP, Tommy Dreamer and Pharaoh accompanied Rhodes to the ring. The fans loved Rhodes and gave him a huge reaction. Jeff Jarrett and Shawn Daivari were part of Aldis’ entourage. Earl Hebner is the referee for the match.
This match had an intense amount of heat and a big fight feel. The fans absolutely loved Rhodes and despised Aldis. Rhodes hit a suicide dive to the floor but Aldis hit Rhodes with a suplex on the floor.
Aldis took over and worked over the lower back. They traded shots in the middle of the ring. They both attempted a cross body and collided. Rhodes hit a springboard cross body to the floor but Aldis rocked him with an elbow. Hebner checked on Rhodes and singled to the back.
They teased the match was over. DDP ran back out and the fans broke into a “Yoga” chant. Hebner stopped the count and Shawn Daivari came back out. He shoved DDP so Page gave him the Diamond Cutter to a huge pop.
Rhodes was busted open from the elbow and started bleeding like crazy. Rhodes fought back and hit a power slam for a near fall. Rhodes missed a moonsault and Aldis took back over.
Rhodes locked on the figure-four leg lock but Aldis made the ropes. Aldis gave Rhodes a running a power slam on the floor. Rhodes fought back and hit the Alabama Slam for a near fall. Aldis hit a powerbomb for a two count and applied the Texas Cloverleaf. Rhodes made the ropes and Brandi told him he didn’t have to keep doing this.
Aldis hit a pile driver and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Brandi came in the ring and begged him to stop. Aldis leaped off the top and Brandi covered Rhodes. Aldis nailed Brandi with the elbow.
Rhodes made a fiery comeback and hit the Beautiful Disaster. Rhodes hit the Crossroads for a very close near fall. Aldis attempted a sunset flip but Rhodes sat down and pinned Aldis to win the NWA Worlds Championship. The fans popped huge for the finish.

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