Thursday, August 16, 2018

"Rare' Matches Added to WWE Network, Though They're Easily Found On Youtube, LMAO!

WWE Network News reported that four rare matches featuring the Summerslam men's World title match participants AJ Styles, Samoa Joe will be added Hidden Gems section today.

You mean THESE TWO 'hidden gems' that have been on Youtube forever? hahahahahahahahaha.. Obviously nobody did any real 'research over at WWE, which ios surprising since they micromanage every fucking thing, but yet? Theyt let these 'obviously found hidden gems' slip past them, LMAO! So why have a WWE Network looking for hidden gems when I. can give you those gems right ehre. If I can find these 'hidden gems' on youtube, anyone can, LOL! You can thank me now for again, makiing WWE look pretty stupid. 

AJ Styles vs Rick Michaels.
Samoa Joe vs Tommy Dreamer

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