Tuesday, August 7, 2018


New Japan has taken disciplinary action against Tama Tonga following what they are calling 'inappropriate conduct'.
NJPW’s official English site released a statement this morning saying “NJPW takes actions taken by our wrestlers seriously. In light of recent inappropriate conduct by Tama Tonga including SNS usage, the company has decided to take disciplinary actions against said wrestlers, and will issue updated guidelines to all wrestlers.”
Tama Tonga has been making waves on social media, specifically Twitter, since splitting from the Bullet Club and forming his own faction with the Guerillas of Destiny and Bad Luck Fale, including trading barbs with the likes of Roman Reigns. He was recently suspended from the service for a short period of time. Reasons for the suspension were not made clear, but tweets insulting fans using profane language have since been deleted. There was also an incident on a recent G1 card where he grabbed a fan by the throat after a match.
His most recent tweet was a video posted on August 5 where he was shown littering in a public area.

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