Monday, August 20, 2018

Funny Thing Happened At CMLL's Show On Friday.

This I thought was funny as hell.

CMLL will be announcing its Anniversary show on Wednesday. The long pushed L.A. Park vs. Rush mask vs. hair match looks to be off. It's been rumored off for weeks even though both were pushing it the last time Park was at Arena Mexico, and he's booked there again on Friday. Rush & Cavernario vs. Volador Jr. & Matt Taven in some form of hair match was teased in challenges on Friday. They did a brawl on Friday with Volador and Rush, with Volador wanting a match. Rush asked the crowd if they wanted him to face Volador or L.A. Park, figuring the brawl would make them say Volador and that would be the way out of it. Except, the live crowd wanted Park.

LMAO! So muc h for hoping the crowd would go with you, LOL!

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