Monday, August 27, 2018

Cody on why he would not go back to WWE + Jericho stories about Eddie, Vince and Big Show

Why should he go back there? He's proven he can get greater fame, WITHOUT WWE. Why go back to a place where writers script your promos for you that don't sound good to begin with, get a dumb ass gimmick nobody will like and deal wuth the WWE Creative deptartment that's well known for being "creatively challenged'? Fuck that Cody's done well by saying "adios Vince, Don't need you and I wish you well on YOUR future endeavors. :)

Cody "dont call me Rhodes", The Young Bucks and Chris Jericho talk about various things wrestling including why Cody would not come back to WWE anytime soon, Jericho shares stories about Eddie Guerrero, The Big Show, Vince McMahon and more.