Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Chris Jericho Reveals What Vince McMahon Told Him After Hearing About 'All In'

All In experienced an impressive sell-out in under thirty minutes when tickets went on sale months before the September 1st show with only one match announced for the card. Vince McMahon is on top of the professional wrestling world for a reason and he's conquered a lot of competition, so it was surprising when Chris Jericho revealed on Talk Is Jericho that McMahon seemed eager to offer some sage advice to Cody Rhodes and The Young Bucks concerning the show.
"Speaking about Vince [McMahon], I told Vince about All In four or five months ago," Jericho revealed to Rhodes during the podcast. "We were just discussing it, shooting the breeze and I go, 'yeah the show is in September in Chicago.' Vince is like, 'ah I wish they would have called me. September is the worst time of the year to promote -- it's terrible!'
"I'm like, you're got old-school forty years of promoting and [he says] 'they should have called me,'" Jericho said.
Rhodes thought the idea of calling McMahon with The Young Bucks on the phone for words of wisdom about promoting in the Fall was a hilarious proposition and pictured what that call would have been like.
"Hey Vince, it's Cody, I've got the Young Bucks on the phone," Cody imagined. "They have a couple of questions about promoting in the fall."
Y2J continued saying that even Mr. McMahon said it was hard to promote in September, they blew "all that s--t out of the water."
Rhodes said that another veteran in professional wrestling promotion also gave them advice that they did not heed.
"It's funny because another seasoned promoter/ ticket broker Cary Silken implored us -- I mean laid into us -- saying 'you can't go on sale on Sunday.'
"You can't and you gotta do a presale and we had already announced the ship had already sailed -- he kept going -- and we saw him a few weeks after the sell-out in thirty minutes and he just [said] 'I was so wrong.'"

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